Export a selected list of users as campaign contacts, trigger NPS surveys and receive NPS responses.
How it works
Once you have set up a campaign in Delighted, Planhat provides you with the list of End Users to send it to. Simply filter and select End Users in Planhat and push them to a specific list in Delighted. Upon triggering send, you will be able to decide whether to simply send the users now and assign them a campaign later, or to simultaneously send the users to Delighted and trigger a specific campaign on them. Note that the survey rate and frequency configured in Delighted cannot be overridden from Planhat. Once surveys have been initiated, Planhat then automatically fetches NPS survey results from Delighted as if the campaign had been run natively with Planhat's built-in NPS tool.
Authorized Planhat users can connect their Delighted instance to Planhat from the Integrate tab. For a step-by-step guide, see our Help Center. Note that you will need to have the requisite access permissions in Delighted to initiate the connection.