Fetch events, such as clicks and page views, into Planhat as time-series Metrics.
How it works
Pendo events can be linked to Planhat's Companies, End Users, Assets or Projects as either Custom Metrics or User Activities. The connection supports fetching of all datatypes from Pendo, including Features, Pages, Reports, Aggregations and Product Engagement Scores (PES). It also supports multiple applications (auto-splitting data series by applicationId), auto-creation of End Users, up to 1 year of historical data sync, and custom Segments. Pendo auto-syncs to Planhat once daily and can be manually synced anytime, on demand.
Authorized Planhat users can connect their Pendo instance to Planhat from the Integrate tab. For a step-by-step guide, see our Help Center. Note that you will need to have the requisite access permissions in Pendo to initiate the connection.